The mobile phone is a relatively modern findings.Recently appeared in the 1980s.
However, a shocking video appears. A UFO researcherclaimed 800 years-old found objects that resemble the modern mobile phone. Though, it is entirely made of stone.
It has features similar to the screen and 12 keys withsymbols of the Cuneiform writing system--the ancientSumerians used the nation who lived in Babylonia orIraq today.
Videos posted by Paranormal Crucible preach, artifacts were found in the excavations atarchaeologist region Fuschl am See in Salzburg,Austria.
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In the video, a person who claims to be a UFOresearcher conceived the theory. "Maybe the beingekstrateresterial that have the forward visiting Earthin the past. If that is true, there is a possibility that theartifact is a clone of technology from outside the human planet, "he was quoted as saying from the BTsite.
Thus, whether the findings have archaeological valueor just hoax News (hoax) sheer? There has been noevidence of valid.
The internet users questioned why objects that he said of the Middle East can be found in Austria.
Phone 800-year-old mysterious, alien technology orhoax? (Paranormal Crucible)
Moreover, no further explained exactly where the excavation is conducted, or who find it--at least a littleconvincing that it's not just a hoax using a Nokia phone model jadul.
Adherents of conspiracy theories are sure, there are many archaeological artifacts of similar findings of the mysterious and published a large question mark.
As quoted from the Inquisitr, they point fingers atarcheologists deliberately cover up the matter.
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