
tERNYATA Selain Gigih dan Reza, Ada Korban Baru di Kasus Dugaan Pelecehan Indra Bekti?
Cases of alleged sexual abuse involving a multi artist talent of Indra Bekti still continues.Reported by squid on Friday (5/2), the case of the alleged victim's name conjures upback recently. Whoa, really?

The news apparently blowing through short messages. The message indicated that the meeting with the parties to ask for clarification of related KPIS accost over news coverage of the victims of sexual abuse unexpected Bekti.

"Media colleagues appealed. Through the various considerations and proceduralconstraints, then it is with a heavy heart we were forced to mengundur back a meetingwith the KPI to request clarification about the top news coverage about accost the victim of sexual harassment the IB, "short message sound. "And because our current Centralget evidence and new victims, then we will hold a news conference at the Office of PeradiCab. This shop is located at Bekasi, behind Hotel Aston, Bekasi Cyber Park. Konpers will be held at 16:00 by presenting the victims of GA, RP, as well as new victims and newevidence. "

Alas, in the message does not mention who the name of the victims of sexual abuseallegedly done Bekti. But it could just be that the message came from persons notresponsible for who intends to memperkeruh atmosphere.

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