The Prime Minister's Narendra Modi surprise visit to Lahore has been revived once againis often desirable hopes that India and Pakistan will live as friends not enemies. It does,however, Pakistan's security agencies will need to stop looking at India as an existentialthreat.
This is not the first time the Prime Minister of India has extended a hand of friendshiptowards Pakistan, the different is the style: stopover in Lahore was suddenly on the way back from Kabul. For many people this is reminiscent of a phrase by former India PremierDr Manmohan Singh in January 2007: "I dream of a day, while retaining national identity of each one of us, one can have breakfast in Amritsar, lunch in Lahore and dinner in Kabul. That's how my ancestors lived. That is how I want our next generation to live. "
Every Prime Minister of India has sought to leave an improvement in relations withPakistan as their key foreign policy legacy. India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehrurepeatedly offered his hand of friendship and so was his successor. Prime Minister AtalBehari Vajpayee, Prime Minister during the previous Government led by BJP NDA (1999-2004), which seeks to improve relations with Pakistan. In 1999 he went to Lahore busyatra and make it a point to write in the visitors book at the Minar e Pakistan that Indiaand India has accepted Pakistan's creation of the wishing well. Under Dr ManmohanSingh India again continue this policy and try to reduce the deficit of trust between the two countries. This is because Pakistan is stable, democratic, and is India's national interests.
Mr. Nawaz Sharif also came to power in June 2013 seek to change Pakistan's policy ofIndia and Afghanistan. While in opposition he often talked about the need for better relations between India and Pakistan. Unfortunately, as with the previous civilian Government of Pakistan, this time too the formation of Pakistan's military intelligencewho runs Pakistan's foreign and security policy has ensured that Mr Sharif was able to change the policy.
Mr Modi's foreign policy is a combination of pomp and show and behind the door ofsecret negotiations. He has spent the majority of his ruling eighteen months traveling the world, visiting places that India's leaders have ignored and build personal relationships with fellow leaders. Mr Modi and his Adviser understands the importance of South Asia to India. India's Foreign Minister s. Jaishankar argue that India cannot be aleading force if the environment is not with India as "you need your region to root for you."
One of the first decisions of Mr. Modi won elections April 2014 is to invite all the heads of Government of South Asia, including Mr. Nawaz Sharif, to attend his inauguration. MrModi and Mr Sharif had met in a number of international venues in the last eighteen months and tried to restart the cycle of old round of talks and dialogue.
Background to Mr. Modi when travelling to Pakistan seems to have been compiled over the past few months his encounter with Mr. Sharif in Ufa, restarted talks between twonational security adviser that occurred in Bangkok and the visit of the Foreign Minister of India Sushma Swaraj's visits to Islamabad in early December 2015 to attend aConference of the Asian heart caused a resumption of talks between the two countries.Again one sees the use of open and secret diplomacy: a meeting in Ufa is General whilewe were only informed about the meeting of two NSAs after discussion has occurred.
For three weeks starting with the Bangkok talks and the heart of Asia there is also asuccession of stories on India media and comments by top BJP leaders, federal andprovincial, on how important is for India to talk to Pakistan. Leaders of Rashtriya SwayamSevak even Sangh, a Hindu chauvinist organization and ideological mentor organizationBJP-have spoken about the need for India to talk to Pakistan.
The Prime Minister's surprise visit to Pakistan, Modi is reminiscent of the opening of2003 by his predecessor BJP Vajpayee. Two years after the failed Agra SUMMIT in 2001and 2002 a large mobilization of troops on the India-Pakistan border, in April 2003Vajpayee "extended a hand of friendship" and hoped that "both sides should decide tolive together." This led to the revival of the composite dialogue process which continueduntil 2007, 2004 and quit with the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks.
From the perspective of India, Pakistan to civilian-led democratic and has some advantages. Since 2008 the two Governments
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