
The Internet is actually always keep a secret. But maybe all this time you will not ever know anything.

One of the sites that people use most to find out something is Wikipedia. There you canfind anything, that you never even think of. And you know that you can read things a bitunnerving in Wikipedia.

Ready to accept the challenge? If you are brave, try deh read 10 pages of Wikipedia untilthis horrible!

1. Joyce Vincent

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Joyce Vincent found died in his apartment in 2006. That makes this case deserves to becriticized is because according to the forensic, Joyce died in 2003 and recently discoveredin 2006 lying near a pile of Christmas gifts are obviously never will be delivered.

In addition, the thing that makes this case terrifying is the Joyce could have been anyoneof us, especially the ngekos alone.

2. the Flatwoods monster

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Flatwoods Monster, also known as the Braxton County Monster or the Phantom ofFlatwoods. According to the news circulated, three mysterious creatures looking boy in the forest that has the body of a seven-foot-tall, eyes blazing and take out the fizz is terrible. Around the appearance of the creature there is fog that makes the third childbecame sick freaks.

3. the Wendigo

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Wendigo is a mysterious creature of ancient legend is the Algonquian communitiesalong the Atlantic Coast to the Great Lakes Region. According to the news circulated,this creature can resemble humans and even possessing humans to be cannibals.Wendigo is often rumored to appear in the forests are often accosted by people to camp.

4. June and Jennifer Gibbons

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A pair of identical twins named Jennifer and June is often called "The Silent Twins"because they can only speak to each other with a language that none other peopleunderstand. They decide to let one can lead a normal life, then the other must be willing to sacrifice themselves. Jennifer decided to sacrifice.

And at the age of 30, he died suddenly of heart failure because of the mysterious. ThenJune stated that he was very grateful to Jennifer because her life want to sacrifice so thatJune could live normally.

Read also: Spooky! 12 This turned out Horror Film adaptation of the true story of Lho!

5. Post-mortem photography

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In the 19th century, the photographic technique is still very rare. And because the cost of an expensive so many families perpetuate their photos in family shooting session.Often family members of those who died were also invited to take pictures and evenwear a costume like a normal person. Photo of the corpse as it is very well known in the19th century, because many families who want to keep perpetuating their momentsintact even though one of them had died.

6. The Mothman

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Mothman is the name kriptid beings (creatures which supposedly there is howeverunknown scientifically and often very hard to believe) that was reported seen in thePoint Pleasant area of West Virginia since November 1966 to December 1967. Localnewspaper contains news on the Point Pleasant Register under the title "Couples SeeMan-Sized Bird ... Creature ... Something "which later became a folk legend around.


If you have not got the guts, Never daring to Open 10 This Wikipedia page!
11 Reasons why you Must have a friend who Berzodiak Pisces
Create a special Dare Admit: This Mandatory 15 Horror Film You Watch in 2016
7. A list of the people who disappeared mysteriously

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At first blush, perhaps the page Wikipedia is daunting. But the more you read then youwill be more a thought that at any moment you could be lost and no trace. Starting from the first century, turned out to be a lot of people who disappear easily like a puff of smoke blown in the wind.

You need to know, that list until now continue to update.

8. Black-eyed children

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Black eyed children phenomenon emerged in the 90s, when some people are postingtheir stories claiming to have met with the pale-skinned little boy and a black-edgedthem knocking on the door and wanted to borrow the toilet or telephone.

Read the life span alone will make you shiver, as if the black-eyed child see you from behind a window.

9. Coffin birth

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Coffin birth or other term is "go forth in the tomb" is not only appalling but also horribly.Coffin birth occurs when a gas is present on the corpse of the mother causes the fetus inher abdomen (who also died) moved out of his mother's womb.


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