
Saipul Jamil diringkus police officers at his home, in the area of Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, Thursday, February 182016 at 05.30 BST.

Saipul allegedly obscene initials DS students (17) in a room of his house. Pedangdut 45years were directly digelandang police to mempertanggung with his actions.

Saipul Jamil admitted doing momentarily led astray. He also apologized for the Act ofthat name expunge an unlimited.

The following 4 recognition Saipul Jamil after sticking his case:
Saipul Jamil looks limp when checked on one examination room Polsek Kelapa Gading,North Jakarta. He asked the investigators examined after the adhaan for Jumu'ah prayerdue to being fast.

"I'm fasting," said the source who was reluctant to be named following the speech SaipulJamil in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, Thursday (18 Feb 2016).

Then one of the investigators asked Saipul. The investigator asked not in the review but rather a discussion. Because Ipul claimed to still limp and not ready to be examined.

"You why?" said investigators.

Widower of Dewi Persik's with a limp answer while nodding-head anggukkan. He wasfinally willing to admit deeds attributed to him.

"I am momentarily led astray," said the man who greeted a familiar Bang Ipul it.

Saipul Jamil known checked in Kanit Reskrim located on the 2nd floor office PolsekKelapa Gading.
Saipul Jamil regretted his actions. Dewi Persik widower was also requested that the community want to pray for him so that indicated the best way to deal with the casemenjeratnya.

"Doain the best for me," said Saipul exit from Polsek Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, Friday(19/2/2016).

He reveals, so far his condition is fine. But the former boyband dangdut G4UL personnelis reluctant to comment further on the case a matter of menjeratnya.

"Alhamdulillah healthy. Doain ya, "he said.

Saipul Jamil brought investigators Polsek Kelapa Gading to BNN to check blood and urine. It is done to ascertain whether he was under the influence of narcotics.

Saipul out from Polsek Kelapa Gading at around 11 am GMT. "Iya checked blood.Checked everything. This made the interests of the investigation, "said said aja power law Saipul Jamil, Hendrayanto when you call

Saipul Jamil had time to perform Friday prayers before undergoing a series of tests onBNN. "Yet to wear clothes of prisoners. Still a Moslem, "said Hendrayanto.
Saipul Jamil intends to apologize directly to the victims of the DS, fans, and communitiesall over the case of the alleged violation that menjeratnya.

Apology delivered directly by the elder Saipul Jamil, Samsul Hidayatulah, and his legaladviser, Hendrayanto.

"Yes, he (Saipul) there is a desire to apologize to all of them, including the DS. Later his plans apologies it represented by me and her sister, "said Hendrayanto when you call in North Jakarta, Friday (19/2/2016).

Saipul Jamil admitted to stress related status of suspects later pinned to him. Man thatever dimejahijaukan due to accident cases of death in Cipularang, also giddy thinking ofcontract work.

"Sorry him. He also Stressed (Saipul). Employment contracts are also thinkers, "saidHendrayanto.
Saipul Jamil after undergoing drug tests in the Laboratory of the National NarcoticsAgency Hall (BNN), MT Haryono Road, Cawang, East Jakarta.

After checked Saipul denied her drug-influenced when menyabuli DS, high schoolstudent is the fans.

"God willing the kicker (take drugs). Naudzubillahmindzalik, do not get. It is unlawful,"said the man who greeted a familiar Bang Ipul building, BNN, Cawang, East Jakarta,Monday (19/2/2016).

Saipul Jamil undergo drug checks in the form of urine and blood sampling from 13.30 to16.30. EDT. He arrived at the building of the BNN earlier than schedule checks toperform Friday prayers in advance. After Friday prayers, several police officers herdedIpul Hall Drug Laboratories.

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