
After almost a month does not make a new article, finally this time thanks to the network was back to normal and also a new spirit after the Idul fitri holiday. This time I will discuss on how fast main rubik3 x 3. The games that time had buming this indeed can be said is a very simple game but actually very elaborate to be completed. Rubik's own gameis a game where the game was shaped box or cube with each side has a different color. And the way to play it is to dismantle the colour into rubik's irregular start putting it together and go back to waenanya back together on each side.

3 x 3 rubik's cube game is made of plastic and consists of 26 small squares that can be rotated on the axis are visible. Each side of the rubik has 9 surface which consists of 6 different colors. Rubik's cube is a mechanical puzzle game is one of the most popular plays. In addition, the rubik's cube was noted as the most toys sold in the world, with sales reaching 300 million rubik's cube.

Rubik's History

The game was invented by Erno Rubik Rubik who was a genius who came from Hungary. Erno rubik is an artist carving while a Professor of architecture who was born in Budapest, Hungary on July 13, 1944. Rubik's father is a flight engineer while his mother was a poet. Technical background is the architectural flair of his father who was an engineer and his artistic talent is inherited from the mother.

In 1974 the Rubik's managed to make a game prototype and finish a rubik's cube in 3-dimensional design. New in 1977 this rubik's cube game is best of mass produced and first sold in Budapest. Until this rubik's cube fever spreads to Europe, though without the use of ads and in 1980 the game is already up in the United States. Up to now these toys are still a fever around the world

Quick Tips Solve Rubik's cube 3 x 3

1. Introduction
At this stage is a stage that must be mastered in advance to be able to master how to solve a rubik's cube. So for those of you who do want to learn how to play rubik's fast you need to get started with this stage.

How to quickly Play Rubik 3 x 3

2. how to Play Rubik
After knowing part rubik, the next step is how to play rubik. This stage is also important as rubik should be rotated to could be played. Play rubik be compulsory because at this stage largely determine successful or whether a formula because the formula is wrong and if it fails then automatically rubis could not be completed. The principle is simple:

F = Front/front which means that diputer on the back clockwise
B = Back/back
Down = Under/down
U = Up/up
R = Right/right
L = Left/left
So that more clear please note pictures below

Note: If there are quotation marks then rotated counter-clockwise

3. Stages of forming a Cross
At this stage form the sign of the cros on the side of the bottom, and the first way is to make the image as in the picture below

Note: the yellow Side is the side of the bottom of the

4. the stages Finish Corner properly
At this stage may be a bit difficult for beginners tobe able to finish it, but it's not that can not. For that try to remain patient, focused and also carefullyand surely you'll be able to get it done. _
5. the stages of Finishing the 2nd Layer
At one stage it can be said that this step is the easiest stage compared to all the stages. Here's how to move to the top edge to edge side.

The Formula U, R, R ', U ', U ', F ', U, F

The Formula, L ' U ', U, L, U, FU ', F

6. Stages of Completing the top side
Entering this stage you should be using the same formula and also sometimes over and over again.So on this sixth stage you have to be patient and try to look carefully in the picture below.

The Formula F, U, R, R ', U ', F

The formula R, UR, R ', R ', 2U

7. The last stage
At this stage is the last stage and should you have found an image like this

The formula R, 2U, R ', R2U, L, U' R ', U ', L

The principle is to move the edge with the line play except the back edge, it's easier to pay attentionto the following picture.

2F, formula (U/L, U ', R ', 2F, L ', R(U/U ')
Note: If the edge wants moved counter-clockwise, then (U/U) use U ', if clockwise then use U

For those of you who are still confused could directly see the video how to play rubik's 3 x 3:

Hopefully this article on how to quickly play rubik 3 x 3 this can provide info for those of you who are dizzy looking for how to play rubik's 3 x 3.

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