
Cheek  certainly will look very adorable if the cheek are children, but if the cheek is  adults certainly already doesn't look adorable anymore. For the most part people have cheeks t usually can be indicated if such person was experiencing overweight, although it was uncertain because the person may indeed have the cheeks with the model  An awful lot of people who want to shrink the cheek  to make it look more tyre so don't be surprised if a lot of people are looking for ways of discouraging t cheeks within no time. In addition, the cheek  appears to look like a ball so that many people who are not menginnginkanya. For that there are some natural ways to eliminate  cheek face look more tyre and also oval in addition can also make facial skin to become more noticeably toned.

The Reason The Need To Shrink The Cheek T

The cheek tm surely will give an impression of the face look more plump andwell rounded. Maybe when you see the little boy with cheek  it will look very adorable but it does not apply to adults. The cheek t will also make uncomfortable by because that's what many who decided to turn down the cheeks need . In addition, it can be a trigger for some people to make life healthier and reduce fast food and also alcoholic beverages,

How to shrink the cheek t in 6 days

How to Shrink and Meniruskan Cheek 

1. Calcium Consumption as much as 1200 mg per day
To be able to shrink and also make the cheeks  into tyre one trick is to consume approximately 1200 mg of calcium per day. This can help in reducing  cheek because it can reduce the retenasi of water in the area of the face. Foods that can provide a lot of calcium like cheese, milk or some other food supplements.

2. Do Yoga Face (Facial Yoga)
The second way that can be done to shrink the cheek  is to do yoga face or facial yoga. Yoga in this way is a way of changing the appearance through facial expression movement which has a function to help tighten the muscles on the face. There are various movements in facial yoga is like Smilling Fish Frenzy which is part of a movement of facial yoga that can help the formation of muscle in the cheek. How do fish frenzy is smilling movement by doing a smile and teeth ships simultaneously and then hold approximately five seconds and repeat this way continuously. Facial yoga movement the second is Cheek Puff which this movement was the movement of the mouth to inhale air through the mouth and then puffed out cheek Moor way the lips and also hold the air in part two cheeks, do the movement more or less for 5 seconds then put away your breath. Next pull the breath in the airand save on the left cheek and then switch on the right cheek alternately then repeat this for ten times.

3. Lose weight
With losing weight and burning fat in the body, surely will also have an impact on the fat that was on the cheek. So that it can eventually make the fat that was on the cheek is also gone and so will make the cheeks become more invisible  continues and more. It's also important to pay attention to your calorie intake and eating patterns also.

4. increase the intake of Fluids
When the body is dehydrated the body will retain water so that it can have an impact on the cheek that will look more . For it is important to consume liquids that fit the needs of the body that is at least drink 6-8 glasses of water per day and is also highly recommended to eat foods that contain a fairly high moisture content such as celery, melon and watermelon also can help our body to avoid dehydration.

5. Avoid astringent Diuretic (causing frequent urination)
In addition to increasing your intake of liquids, other things also need to be aware of is to stay away from substances that act as diuretic (causing frequent urinating kecul). Substances that cause frequent urination is like alcohol beverages that contain caffeine. In addition, limit salt intake, eating processed and also packed fast-food restaurant such as chips and canned food intake in a day today. This is because za diuretic and high salt can cause the body store more water.
6. Do Facial Calisthenics
Facial gymnastics may be almost a bit the same with facial yoga facial gymnastics however have more variation. Facial gymnastics can also be one of the ways to shrink and also meniruskan t cheek.
Open Your Mouth
It is also fairly easy way is to open your mouth wide like I'm pronouncing the letter A, do a few seconds and do gerakanini several times in the duration of several minutes. To remember open mouth lebar-lebarnya do not be too excessive for the jaw can make into injuries

How to shrink the Cheek Tembem in 6 days

The Movement Of Fish Lips
This one is called the movement as the movement of fish lip because this movement is indeed form a mouth like the mouth of a fish. Do I simply flanked the lips like a fish to bibibr bottom and top look mengkerut like fish lips and then hold a few seconds and release. Do the movement a few minutes of free time and routine.

How to shrink the Cheek Tembem in 6 days

The Movement Of The Cheek Blow
This movement is indeed a real cheek blow movement as well as being blowing balloons, but anginya not out and cheeks being filled by wind or air, Do alternately from left-to-right cheek cheek and do it for a few minutes.

How to shrink the Cheek Tembem in 6 days

The smile is worship and a smile can also make the cheeks become more acute. With ternsenyum then the tense muscles will become more relaxed. So in this way it is very easy to do with just laugh then the cheeks would become more acute and also the cheek tembem will disappear.

How to shrink the Cheek Tembem in 6 days

Despite all the ways of discouraging tembem cheek look very simple but if that is not done on a regular basis then it will be futile. For that which became the important point is to be consistent, where by doing all the ways then it will be able to make the cheeks become visible more tyre in just 6 days. Hopefully the tips and also how to turn down the cheeks in 6 days can be rewarding and hopefully can also provide useful information.

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