Recently many players Pokemon Go who are confused due to the abysmal account they cannot access. Even when they tried it repeatedly, that appears is just the message ' failed to get the game data from server ', which when translated means ' could not retrieve data from the server '. Viewed from this means that only the players can already take the assumption that their accounts were exposed to banned.
Game Pokemon Go
Display "failed to get game data from the server"
But for those of you who are not cheating while playing Pokemon Go, you still can appeal to the Niantic and describes the problems that you are facing. Another case of You ever use a bot, cheat, emulators, etc, then it is of course your account got banned from Niantic.
Apart from these two, there are other things that cause why writing ' Failed to get the game data from server ' muncu. This may occur due to the lack of power of the network to connect to the server Pokemon Go. Try to browse and see if your internet connection is smoothly or is impaired. If it were reasonable then just writing disorders arose. But otherwise the writing and disorders often appear, then it can be ensured that your account are subject to banned.
This recipe can still be categorized as a permanent warning or banned. If included as a warning, then your account banned pokemon go You can still be turned on again. However, if the violation you are doing heavy enough, it could be banned permanently you receive.
As for the solution for those of you who are exposed to banned permanently is create a new account with a different login email. It is considering the terbanned account is already registered with the email account.
Though banned has been happening several times, you can still visit the site of Niantic and do your account in order for appeal can be reactivated. To do this appeal, please click this link. Try to fill in the form correctly so that Your appeal request can be approved and smoothly. And if possible, show also evidence screenshots.
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