The month of April 2016 and then, it was revealed the good news that the developer exports Korea, Neowiz Games has done a contract of cooperation with publisher Aeriagames to launch ambitious games free-to-play, BLESS them Online to a global market. But until now, these games are never released, but the Russian version already make this stage of closed beta.
Well make you curious with the latest updates from BLESS (NA), Hakan as the product manager of Aeriagames renders the latest developments from BLESS Online in a posting at the, the following excerpt.
As you well know that the launch of BLESS US/EU must be postponed because of the existence of the improvements that must be made by our friend in Neowiz to enhance the experience of playing you guys. Today, we want to give you the latest updates of the progress that has been made. Two main points are a matter of improved performance and combat system.
The performance of the game currently upgraded to support large scale content such as the Siege of Castra and Raid. The waiting time for loading content within the world BLESS is now being enhanced so that the texture and the monsters are processed much more quickly. Surely this will improve the experience of playing you guys everything.
Improved combat system is also the Middle done, especially at aim targeting system. The level of sensitivity of the auto target will be adjusted, lock-on feature and will be added in order to provide a better combat pengalman. In addition, the combat UI also get increased, e.g. in the instructions heal and damage.
In addition to the above improvement, 2 some other improvements include tutorials, chat UI, and world map.
All these improvements are certainly intended to bring a version of BLESS a much better Online. We will continue to bring the latest updates as soon as possible if there are any updated information.
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