Hello veterans Accretia, Bellato, and Cora! Lytogame ya have good news for you connoisseur game RF Online Indonesia. Today, the publisher has just announced the presence of RF Online classic that his plans were to released in October 2016 upcoming tablets!
According to a teaser page has launched, RF Classic would differ with that currently have been shaded by Lyto. The reason, RF classic would bring you nostalgia with features of the initial RF is more focused on the war 3 Nations Accretia, Bellato, and Cora. Not only that, the new features of the Golden Chipwar also you can enjoy this classic RF in-game. Golden Chipwar is offering a reward of millions of dollars that can be won in any specified period later.
The following are the features which were presented to the RF in the Classic:
Update Of The RED Army
The maximum character level is a Level 50.
New features of the Golden Chipwar.
Premium service: 400% Exp 400%, 800% PT, Animus, Exp 400% mining.
Normal: 200% Exp, 200%, 400% Exp PT animus, 200% mining.
Trus cheater apakabar? Well, if the teaser was released, written the heck "No Cheater" plus "Double Guard Protection System". How did you guys?
Read also the RF Online 2nd Middle prepared by CCR?
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