resep nasi goreng kuning yang enak dan spesial
Savory yellow rice recipes and delicious which is also a popular dish in Indonesia oftenbecame breakfast menu, in addition also often serve as the yellow rice cone to diversengadain, anniversary poems or also as the event inauguration and others. To make itother than using the old ways in this steamed, are now making yellow rice can also use a rice cooker (wait for our next posting) so that the manufacturing process so it's more practical and easy.
resep nasi goreng kuning yang enak dan spesialYellow rice with various additional or complementary like sambal goreng, fried egg slices,sauteed long beans and fried chicken is usually quite easy to find in the morning for breakfast. Indeed the work takes time but it feels comparable to:) Create a recipe looking for yellow rice, here we present how to make yellow rice that could also serve as theyellow rice cone.
resep nasi goreng kuning yang enak dan spesial
Bumbu Nasi Kuning
- 1 kilogram beras pilihan yang pulen, cuci bersih
- 200 gram beras ketan, cuci bersih
- 1 liter santan kental
- Secukupnya air, untuk merendam beras
Bumbu Nasi Kuning
- 2 ruas jari kunyit atau bisa juga pakai 2 sendok bubuk kunyit
- 3 lembar daun jeruk, buang tulang daunnya
- 2 tangkai serai memarkan
- 2 lembar daun salam
- 2 sedok makan air jeruk nipis
- Secukupnya garam
- Irisan Timun
- Sambal goreng tempe, bila ada
- Sambal Bajak
- Telur dadar, iris memanjang
- kerupuk
Cara Membuat Nasi Kuning
- Terlebih dahulu rendam beras dan beras ketan dalam air yang sudah dicampur dengan parutan / bubuk kunyit.
- Diamkan rendaman beras selama ± 30 menit kemudian dikukus selama 30 menit.
- Sambil menunggu kukusan, rebus santan bersama daun jeruk, serai, jahe dan garam sambil diaduk hingga mendidih.
- Masukkan beras dan masak sambil diaduk hingga air terserap, tambahkan air jeruk dan aduk kembali hingga rata
- Selanjutnya kukus sampai matang ± 20 menit. Angkat
- Selagi masih panas, persiapan cetakan tumpeng dam biarkan agak dingin lalu tuang ke atas tampah yang telah dihias.
resep nasi goreng kuning yang enak dan spesial
May be useful:) don't forget to look at various other rice preparations such as fried rice recipe. Okay ... congratulations to practice recipes yellow rice
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